I started walking this journey when I was 18 and I fell in love with this challenging and mindful experience. After years of practice and experiencing how yoga helped me grow in awareness and wellbeing, I found my path to help others live a healthier, happier life.
Since 2016 I have dedicated myself to deepen personally and professionally in the understanding of the asana practice, human anatomy, philosophy, meditation and pranayama techniques.I am a certified psychologist, nature experiences facilitator, I count around 5 years of yoga teaching experience and more than 500h of internationally certified yogateacher education. Meanwhile I am still navigating my own personal yoga practice learning and studying from great professionals.
Nowadays Yoga to me is more than a practice, a life philosophy. The integration of my studies in yoga, psychology and nature have been a major transformation in the way I understand the world and over the last 12 years it has impregnated my lifestyle and profession.To me, this is an organic journey into consciousness and self development.
I am a curious learner, nature lover and I love cooking. I am trained in and work with different styles of yoga and I like to combine my different teachings to offer a nourishing experience and I try to always aproach and adapt it to everyone’s unique condition, physically and emotionally.
– Hatha 200h ”Yoga Formacion Institute”
– Intermediate Practice ”The Maze Method” 20h
– 300h YTT ”My Vinyasa Practice”
– Advance Anatomy and Physiology 40h
– Advance sequencing 20h
– Yin Yoga 20h
– Yoga Nidra 40h
– Restorative Yoga 40h
– Adaptative Yoga 40h
– Trauma informed
– Prenatal Yoga 20h
– Subtle bodies & Ayurveda 80h